Eva Väljaots & Robbie Sherratt (EST/ENG) write and perform music rooted in Estonian and English folklore. Their music, both modern and tradition-sensitive, combines the kannel, fiddle, and vocals in a colourful, rich and enchanting way. Sharing an affinity for improvisation and spontaneity, the duo takes inspiration from the natural world’s greatest improvisers, imitating and interpreting the soundscapes of vast marshes to tiny beetles. In 2024 they were nominated in the Estonian Folk Music Awards for both ‘new folk’ artist and debut album of the year for their self-release ‘Skylark’.
Eva Väljaots & Robbie Sherratt (EST/ENG) loovad muusikat, mille juured ulatuvad nii eesti kui ka inglise pärimusse. Põimides traditsioone ja omaloomingut, loovad kannel, viiul ja laul kõlavärviderikka ning võluva terviku, mis on ühtaegu traditsioonitundlik ja modernne. Duo kontserdid on vahetud ja tulvil improvisatsiooni, ammutades inspiratsiooni looduse suurimatelt improviseerijatelt. Loodushelisid interpreteerides ja jäljendades lennutavad nad kuulaja rännakule lõpututest rabadest väikeste mardikateni. 2024. aastal pälvis duo oma debüütalbumiga Skylark nominatsioonid Eesti pärimusmuusikaauhindadel Etnokulp aasta uusfolk artisti ja aasta debüütalbumi kategooriates.

Click here to go to our dropbox where you can download our photos
Lõoke, released in October 2023.
A trailer from our concert at Musiikkitalo, Helsinki, May 2021
Quotes / Reviews
“There is deep listening here and truly magical sounds, delighting in the voices of nature. This is collaboration at its best”
– Fiona Talkington, Songlines Magazine
“Väljaots and Sherratt create an extraordinary magical realm with this music. It’s somewhere well worth exploring”
– Nygel Packett (The Goose is Out!), Folk London Magazine
“This is a distinguished and innovative collection, filled with delicate surprises and rhythmic delights.”
– David Auckland, FATEA Magazine
“With their innovative use of instruments and creative approach to arranging, the musicians vary between creating large echoing distances and meeting each other and the listener in close harmony.”
– Ronja Grafström, Lira Musikmagasin
“These two musicians and singers are at the top of their game.”
– Genevieve Tudor, Sunday Folk
“the opening track is an absolute delight”
– Frank Hennessy, BBC Radio Wales
Kansanmusiikki Magazine Review – read the full review here
– Minna Raskinen, Kansanmusiikki Magazine
“Peapreemia pälvisid Eva Väljaots ja Robbie Sherratt, kelle puhul tõsteti esile väga head koosmängu ja kaaslase tajumist, peent traditsioonitunnetust, oskust eri pärimusi ja meeleolusid tervikuks kokku siduda ja oma muusika helge mõju kuulajateni viimist.“
(The main prize went to Eva Väljaots and Robbie Sherratt, who highlighted an excellent sense of togetherness and companionship, an exquisite sense of tradition, the ability to combine different cultures and atmospheres and bring the bright influence of their music to the listeners.)
Newspaper Articles
Eva Väljaots: “Muusika peab eelkõige ennast puudutama”
Leek Echo – Home-town gig for our Robbie
Social Media
Technical Specification, Rider & Stage Plan
Tech Spec (ENG) – Eva Väljaots & Robbie Sherratt
Tehniline Raider (EST) – Robbie Sherratt & Eva Väljaots